Labels:book | box | cereal box | poster | table OCR: MORTON SUBOTNICK'S Building Blocks leam about Listen to six simole structure and tunes t MAKING Create rhythms Melody hear melodies and Rhythm how they Maker repetition, then mix t them pound separately and up and make your own. MUSIC together The central space Enter notes by drawing screer then duplicate them side own ane bockwards chanr Combine three element the scale choose any From nevice ta maestro melody mythm, and instru instrument these games can br plaved mentction- -from a musica omposers using kids compositions flip-back "Making Musi the most exriting compesitio prograrm r children I've ever 'seer Children can create their own music from the very start using tools hey understana t's wonderful. Sandru Stouffer, Assaciate Professor of Musi Education Arizorg Stote Universih Ary kid ...